Entities discovery

The ITSI entities discovery is a fully automated process that will discover and properly configure your entities in ITSI depending on the data availability in Splunk.

All report rely on extremely fast and optimized queries with mcatalog, which has a negligible processing cost for the Splunk infrastructure.

Entities automatic import

In a nutshell, the following reports are automatically scheduled:

Purpose Report
Zookeeper servers detection DA-ITSI-TELEGRAF-KAFKA-Inventory_Search_zookeeper
Kafka brokers detection DA-ITSI-TELEGRAF-KAFKA-Inventory_Search_kafka_brokers
Kafka topics detection DA-ITSI-TELEGRAF-KAFKA-Inventory_Search_kafka_topics
Kafka connect detection DA-ITSI-TELEGRAF-KAFKA-Inventory_Search_kafka_connect
Kafka connect tasks detection DA-ITSI-TELEGRAF-KAFKA-Inventory_Search_kafka_connect_tasks
Kafka monitors detection DA-ITSI-TELEGRAF-KAFKA-Inventory_Search_linkedin_kafka_monitors
Kafka Consumers detection DA-ITSI-TELEGRAF-KAFKA-Inventory_Search_kafka_burrow_group_consumers
Confluent schema-registry DA-ITSI-TELEGRAF-KAFKA-Inventory_Search_kafka_schema-registry
Confluent ksql-server DA-ITSI-TELEGRAF-KAFKA-Inventory_Search_kafka-ksql-server
Confluent kafka-rest DA-ITSI-TELEGRAF-KAFKA-Inventory_Search_kafka-kafka-rest

When entities are discovered, entities will be added automatically using the itsi_role information field, in addition with several other info fields depending on the components.

Manual entities import

It is possible to manually import the entities in ITSI, and use the searches above:

Configure / Entities / New Entity / Import from Search

Then select the module name, and depending on your needs select the relevant search.

Zookeeper server detection


Kafka brokers detection


Kafka topics detection


Kafka connect detection


Kafka connect tasks detection


Kafka consumers detection (Burrow)


Confluent schema-registry nodes detection


Confluent ksql-server nodes detection


Confluent kafka-rest nodes detection


LinkedIn Kafka monitor nodes detection
