Welcome to the ITSI module for Telegraf Apache Kafka smart monitoring documentation¶
The ITSI module for Telegraf Kafka monitoring provides smart insight monitoring for Apache Kafka monitoring, on top of Splunk and ITSI.
The ITSI provides builtin and native monitoring for all Apache Kafka components, as well as the Confluent stack components:
- Zookeeper
- Apache Kafka Brokers
- Apache Kafka Connect
- Confluent schema-registry
- Confluent ksql-server
- Confluent kafka-rest
- Kafka SLA and end to end monitoring with the LinkedIn Kafka monitor
- Kafka Consumers lag monitoring with Burrow (Kafka Connect connectors, Kafka Streams…)
Fully multi-tenant compatible, the ITSI module can manage different environments or data-centers using tags at metrics low level.
It is recommended to read the unified guide for Kafka and Confluent monitoring first:
Deployment and configuration:¶
- Deployment & Upgrades
- Implementation
- Splunk configuration
- Telegraf installation and configuration
- Telegraf output configuration
- Jolokia JVM monitoring
- Starting Jolokia with the JVM
- Starting Jolokia on the fly
- Zookeeper monitoring
- Kafka brokers monitoring with Jolokia
- Kafka connect monitoring
- Kafka LinkedIn monitor - end to end monitoring
- Confluent schema-registry
- Confluent ksql-server
- Confluent kafka-rest
- Burrow Lag Consumers
- Operating System level metrics
- Docker testing templates
- Entities discovery
- Services creation
- Monitoring Zookeeper servers
- Monitoring Kafka Brokers
- Monitoring Kafka Topics
- Monitoring Kafka Connect
- Monitoring Kafka Connect Sink taks
- Monitoring Kafka Connect Source taks
- Monitoring Kafka Consumers
- Monitoring Confluent schema-registry
- Monitoring Confluent ksql-server
- Monitoring Confluent kafka-rest
- End to end monitoring with LinkedIn Kafka monitor
- ITSI Entities dashboard (health views)
- Zookeeper dashboard view
- Kafka broker dashboard view
- Kafka topic dashboard view
- Kafka connect dashboard view
- Kafka connect sink task dashboard view
- Kafka connect source task dashboard view
- Kafka consumers lag monitoring dashboard view (Burrow)
- Confluent schema-registry dashboard view
- Confluent ksql-server dashboard view
- Confluent kafka-rest dashboard view
- LinkedIn Kafka monitor view